
Eddielee-2A1 from Greendale Secondary School

Wishes :

True love.

A new handphone.

A new computer.

Best friend.

Monday 21 March 2011

Day - 10 Rainy day ):


Dear DOR,
                 Today first day of school after holiday was like erm cut my hair got so many negative and positive comments. First period Maths forget to do the Maths homework but decided not to tell teacher hee hee. Then it was Science Miss Zhang came 15 minutes earlier and the whole class was like laughing at her blurness :D she went back to her office then came back at 9.45 a.m. Then Science few people no paper and never do Miss Zhang so good say Friday pass up also can :D Then reccess ate with Jorge, Luqman, and Nabil. Then after that went back to class . After that was History but Mr Tan never come. So a relieve teacher came. He showed us about how Japan was suffering and all those tsunami's, Earthquake and Nuclear plantation O.O Then Mr Lian came tell us all about his history in school and his wedding and his job O.O then after that came Geography teacher showed us Japan Earthquake again. Then Geography ended . English Mr Chen O.O nothing much just some silly jokes by Shih Yong making Mr Chen want to stuff something in his mouth i was like LMFAO. After school went to Punggol Plaza and slacked with Asley they all then after that 5 plus went to Punggol Plaza court behind play basketball till 6 then bus-ed home.
Boring life ...

Dont walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Dont walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 9.54 p.m. Monday

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