
Eddielee-2A1 from Greendale Secondary School

Wishes :

True love.

A new handphone.

A new computer.

Best friend.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day - 11 & 12 Rainy day )':

Its not like the first time we met, the feeling all everything changed.

Dear DOR,
                 Sorry for not posting on tuesday i was like damm busy with my computer and phone ok tuesday nothing to talk about i shall talk about today.Ok today D&T first was like so bored we learned about design analysis. Then after that Geography was learning chapter 3 O.O then after that Science Miss zhang taught us about atoms and molecues. Then after that was reccess and then Maths O.O Miss beh was like making us do so many works. Then after that Art we learned about shading O.O then after that Chinese i was like playing with my IPhone. Then after that played basketball till 5 plus then after that went home.
Boring lifeeee~

Have no friends like not having myself

Yours sincerely
Eddie 9.23p.m. Wednesday.

Monday 21 March 2011

Day - 10 Rainy day ):


Dear DOR,
                 Today first day of school after holiday was like erm cut my hair got so many negative and positive comments. First period Maths forget to do the Maths homework but decided not to tell teacher hee hee. Then it was Science Miss Zhang came 15 minutes earlier and the whole class was like laughing at her blurness :D she went back to her office then came back at 9.45 a.m. Then Science few people no paper and never do Miss Zhang so good say Friday pass up also can :D Then reccess ate with Jorge, Luqman, and Nabil. Then after that went back to class . After that was History but Mr Tan never come. So a relieve teacher came. He showed us about how Japan was suffering and all those tsunami's, Earthquake and Nuclear plantation O.O Then Mr Lian came tell us all about his history in school and his wedding and his job O.O then after that came Geography teacher showed us Japan Earthquake again. Then Geography ended . English Mr Chen O.O nothing much just some silly jokes by Shih Yong making Mr Chen want to stuff something in his mouth i was like LMFAO. After school went to Punggol Plaza and slacked with Asley they all then after that 5 plus went to Punggol Plaza court behind play basketball till 6 then bus-ed home.
Boring life ...

Dont walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Dont walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 9.54 p.m. Monday

Sunday 20 March 2011

Day - 9 Stormy day )':


Dear DOR,
                  Today wasss sooooo bad. Last day of holiday tommorow go back to school.Cut my hair till damm short -.- how am i going to face my friends like that O.O woke up at 10 plus then blackshot and facebook-ed till now and then currently watching drama and blogging at the same time O.O Homeworkkk!!! GOSH! i only do maths the ace learning de only the rest never do cause i left my freakking file in the class =.=

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 4.17 p.m. Sunday
Gosh when wil all this things end. Friendship </3

Saturday 19 March 2011

Day - 8 Rainy days

Dear DOR,
                  Today was a normal and bored day only Tsk. Morning woke up blackshot awhile then bath, brush teeth and then took bus 53 to Nex to watch Its a Great Great World with my grandmother. O.O second time watching first time is with Jorge they all. Watch-ed till 3? Then wen cut hair then go fairprice shop awhile buy some nessesities and then bus-ed home again. Reached home at around 4.30 p.m. then watched the channel 8 drama serial till 6.30 p.m. then bathed and lie on my bed suddenly got 1 sms by someone to play blackshot with me and 7 oclock and i call him. O.O he sms me again and said he haven bath yet. Then around 7.30 p.m. then need call him lo. Then blackshot with him till 10 plus then decided to stop and call mac delivery to come. :D O.O now blogging and chatting with Hazel Sim Xue Wen and Vivan or Dont know what la . LOL. Boring life.

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Your sincerely
Eddie 12.08 p.m. Saturaday.
Gosh 1 more day and need go to school and haven even started my homework >.<

Friday 18 March 2011

Day - 7 Sunny Day (:

What are friends for?
Dear DOR ,
                    Today was boredlikefuck. Woke up at 12 p.m blackshot awhile and then eat till 2 plus . Went to Singapore General Hospital. Checkup again then the doctor said the hospital made a mistake as my grandmother should take the blood test first. Damm boring cause we waited 2 hours there then after that we went to take the blood test. Then after that went home till 7 plus then went out again to eat mee sua LOL.
Then went back home watched the 9 oclock show till 10 then after that called Ang Jia Hui and talked with Hazel Sim till now .

Do you really care if i just died in fronnt of you? I dont think so. Why cant everything re-start from the start the place we met the topic that we first talked maybe this is what its called karma . Karma's getting me . Even though you forgave me, we are not so close as before T.T i think even if i say hello to you now, you wont even bother to reply me back.

People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!"
Yours sincerely
PIG <3 11.24 p.m Friday
Gosh i haven do my homework yet -.-

Thursday 17 March 2011

Day - 6 Sunny day

Dear DOR,
                 Today was a day that make me cried the most within this week something happened )): Hais dont wish to talk about it now . Today was like uhhh damm bored. Nothing to say much only blackshot and talk to Chang pang and Jia hui and Hazel and Hazel Ong.
To Those people that make me cried . You should be glad that i still shed a tear for our friendship but since you all came back from the chalet, i knew that we should not even be friends anymore since i make you feel uncomfortable right . Then nevermind im not the person that really needs friends very much . I can be lonely  T.T we were never like this from the start then now what happen?? Tsk....  Maybe its you that changed or me that changed but people will change someday i dont blame you . I blame myself  !

I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 12.03 p.m. Thursday
Friendship? I really wonder do i really need it?

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day - 5 Rainy Day );

Dear DOR,
                  Today was another retarded day . Blackshot with chang pang till 6 a.m then was forced by my grandmother to go and sleep x.x then after that slept till 2.30 . 8.5 hours nia but then still kenna called by Hazel Sim a PIG >.<. Nevermind then blackshot all the way till 6 ? Then went to eat all that . Called Hazel Sim , Jia Hui, Hazel Ong and Chang Pang. Chang Pang damm fuck his bs in game name : Wo_Ai_CN.

Im missing someone,their attitude their actions everything that they do. Why cant everything just be from the start . The days that we were together everything we do . Now ley treat me like 1 stranger . We still talk to each other ONLY..

Dear MOFO ,
                       You should be pleased that im metioning you in this blog :D I really dont know you. Seriously can you stop spreading rumours and betray other people . Especially me 1 devasting blow from you is enough im fraigile but i dont look like i am i dont want to tell you things because there is a reason behind it but... you betrayed me another time That the end of our friendship i did'nt want to do it, i was forced by you so dont blame me for being cruel.

'If you really need her, i'll find her before this pain disappear'

Yours sincerely
Eddie 9.13 p.m Wednesday
 Thats the end of it ):

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day - 4 Stormy Day ):

Dear DOR,
                    Today was like another fuck day. Woke up at 10 plus then after that went to do all those wash up blah blah blah .  Then after that went to makan then blackshot all the way then wa fuck damm no mood my ear like bursting. heng got loud speaker ._.  then now talking with them planning to ton. Taylor Swift Sparks Fly <3 Byee :D

There is no disguise that can for long conceal love where it exists or simulate it where it does not.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 11.44 p.m Tuesday

Monday 14 March 2011

Day 3 - Stormy day.

Dear DOR,
                  Today was not soo good woke up at  9+ actually could sleep later my friend come my house asked me play blackshot -.- then i woke up wanting to sleep again but then nevermind play lo. Played for a few hours after that go bath etc... then go temple.Came back around 2 plus and went to eat and the new coffeshop at my house below. Tried their fried fish noodless well seriously speaking it was not bad, After that Baking!!! Went home mother asked me to do all the mixing while she went to the market to buy something. When she came back we tried baking the cookies first some chao da some not bad very nice siol (Y) .  Then tried muffin also the shape like kanasai but then not bad la the taste. Then com-ed till 8 then watch the chinese show Guo Ji Jiao Yi Suo till 9 then after that blackshot till now. Oh seriouly i have a lousy life man. Currently texting Hazel planning to Ton? I dont know .

 It is with true love as it is with ghosts, everyone talks about it, but few people have seen it.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 11.34 p.m Monday

Sunday 13 March 2011

Day - 2 Sunny Day :D

Dear Bloggy,
                    Today nothing much la seriously i woke up at 10 eeyer so late T.T going lan :D 10.30 meet my friend at his house then we took the bus 113 to this place near kovan . The lan was called arena :D Then went in actually playing 6hrs but then dont want so played 5 instead. Blackshot all the way there then after that saw my friend and his friend playing so we 2v2 them rifle,sniper and melee we won them melee and sniper they won us rifle ): Then i saw my clock 4.25 oh fuck 4.30++ need go cause meeting my friend at the basketball court at 5 so we waste 1 hour of my money :B bus-ed back and then went play basketball till 7! Oh so good  i want to grow taller :X Now i know the importance of friends :D
                                            - End-
Next part My rants :D
 You said you forgave me for what i did i dont feel so leh i still miss the old us so badly where we joked,laughed and slept together in chalet why? Why must this happen ? It makes all of us so uncomfortable and uneasy ): i feel so ekks i still miss the old you you said you were my best friend/good friend but you make me feel like we are strangers Tsk.

A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.

Yours sincerely
Eddie 8.12 p.m Sunday.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Day - 1 Sunny Day.

Dear blog,
                     Today was a good day or so ? But then im feeling vored right now so im blogging now tsk so bored why cant just anyone paly with me blackshot leh?Nabei my life full of upside downs . Everytime i loved a girl in my class or not someone will come and warn me about them tsk i hate the feeling now ok? Tsk i dont talk about it le . Lets say about other things. Oh just came back from camp 3days 2 nights at pulau ubin oh people cant enjoy the fun man althought the conditions were really bad, everyone survived through it i enjoyed mountain biking and navigation the most those two i really had fun. I really pity the dogs there all stray and wild dogs )': now i really cherish my dog at home. Its like my dog so fortunate. Ok i try to keep this blog alive ok? i try my best!

 Love is like planting a seed slowly when you water it and care for it, it will turn into a tree with nice flowers sometimes i wonder too if there where fertillsers in love also.

Yours sincerely
 Eddie 9.58 p.m